Guest post written by Julie Laughlin
In my twenties, I lived my life for my friends, boyfriends, and family; allowing myself to be dictated by what others wanted me to be. I would do anything for someone else’s love but did nothing to love myself. You could say I was lacking in the self love department.
I have always cared more about what people thought of me then I cared about myself. I constantly felt like I was not good enough and was striving to be someone I would never be able to love.
Throughout my whole life, travel has always been my dream and after spending the vast majority of my 20’s taking care of other people, sacrificing my dream, I finally decided it was time to take care of me. I made a promise to myself that I would go after my dreams. I would do it fiercely and I wouldn’t give up. For the first time, I was giving myself permission to be selfish.
When I left the states and started traveling full time at the age of 33, I had no idea that it would change my life forever. Something changed in me the minute I boarded my one-way ticket to the rest of my life. As I sat on that plane to Thailand I told myself that I would change the way I saw myself. Because of this choice to love myself, a confidence that I had never felt before sprouted inside me.
On my journey to self-love, I met many amazing and empowering women who pushed me out of my shell. I will never forget an experience I had with a girl I met in Vietnam who I ended up traveling with for many weeks after. She was a gorgeous, strong, confident powerhouse and offered me so much insight on how to love myself. After a conversation where I expressed that I didn’t like to be in photos because I felt that I never looked good, she said something that I will never forget.
First, she told me that I was beautiful and that I should never be concerned about what others think of me. Then she reminded me of how spectacular the world is and how it was a shame that I didn’t want to capture these amazing moments I was so lucky to be experiencing. Finally, she said you shouldn’t be here for other people, you should be here for yourself.
I will never forget how hard this hit home for me. There I was on the greatest exploration of my life and I was still being plagued by the fear that I wasn’t good enough. That I wasn’t pretty enough to be living my own truth, that I wasn’t good enough to be in my own photo.
Today I sit here writing this article reflecting on over a year of travel and how far I have progressed as a person because of it. Every day I feel beyond happy to be alive and grateful that travel has given me the platform I needed to become the spectacular woman that I was created to be.
I truly believe that because of travel I am stronger, braver and more capable than ever to face any obstacle that may come my way. After lots of practice, I now jump at the chance to be in a photo and capture a moment. I feel beautifully accomplished and no longer spend time concerned about what others may think of me.
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Meet the Author
Before hitting the road full time, Julie Laughlin was a taco slinging, craft brew pouring, master mixologist in Seattle, WA. Since following her dreams into the world, she has traveled to 12 countries and countless cities with just herself and 2 oversized backpacks. Nothing can stop her now, and her passion for travel emanates as she inspires others through empowering stories, insider tips, and tricks, as well as hilarious mishaps. With her writings she will take you along as she searches for all the hidden gems of the world.
You can read more from Julie by visiting her blog: Insatiable Travel and by FOLLOWING her on Instagram @insatiable_travel
Beautifully written by a beautiful person!
Glad you enjoyed it . You can read more from Insatiable Travel by visiting her wonderful travel blog here: https://insatiabletravel.com
Steven Bortz
Such a beutiful person I am so glad to know this dear lady