The day before a big flight I am always a little nervous. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone on an airplane but each time I am super nervous the night before. Below is a list of 10 things I have found help lower my anxiety the night before a big flight and stay calm.
- Try breathing in through your noise and then breathe out through your mouth.
Listen to Calming Music
- I really like piano music but whatever works for you is what is the best.
Eat Bananas
- I was always told that the night before a big performance you should eat bananas . I guess the potassium helps calm the nerves in your stomach. Maybe it is a placebo effect but if it works why not give it a try.
Check Into Your Flight Online ( if you can) and Print Off Your Ticket.
- If I am able to check in early I always take the option. I will still get to the airport early but this way it gives me a little cushion time.
- This one is meant for the day before a trip. Go for a walk or run and get your adrenaline flowing. It will help you release some of that brewing anxiety and ideally make you tired so you can fall asleep.
Prepare Snacks for the Big Day.
- This one is very important for people in E.D. recovery but it is valid for everyone too. I like to bring my own snacks with me on long trips just incase food isn’t available. It doesn’t hurt to have them ready.
- Writing about how you are feeling is always a great strategy to get out of your head. If I am feeling anxious before a big trip I write it all down in my journal and it gives me good perspective.
Drink Camomile Tea Before Bed
- Camomile tea with a little bit of milk and honey helps to calm the butterflies in your stomach. It will also help you sleep.
Set an Alarm
- Setting an alarm is important so that you wake up on time. A lot of people struggle with hearing the alarm or actually getting up when it goes off. It you put the alarm on the other side of the room, in the morning when it goes off, you are forced to get out of bed to press snooze.
Take a Bubble Bath
- I love bubble baths. They are very relaxing for me. I usually put lavender essential oil in the tub to make it smell nice and calming. You can use whichever essential oil you prefer. But don’t forget bubbles.
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